Bruin Love Station

Improving Sexual Health and Sexual Health Literacy

The Bruin Love Station (BLS) is mobile cart that offers free safer-sex supplies, Narcan, fentanyl test strips and opportunities for students to converse with trained peers and professional staff. BLS Express is our tabling version and is available for co-programming and participation in campus events. Feel free to request a “Sexual Health Workshop” and specify you would like to have BLS Express at your event in the comments section.

Bruin Love Station Express (BLS Express) is a sexual health and wellness tabling version of the BLS outreach cart that offers UCLA students access to (on a smaller scale):

  • Free safer-sex supplies
  • An assortment of educational materials
  • Campus resource information
  • Fentanyl test strips
  • Narcan
  • Trained peer health educators and/or professional staff who are available to answer questions, skill development (e.g. condom demonstration) and general support.

Click here to request the BLS Express

Still looking for free sexual health supplies?

Contraceptives Vending Machines in Ackerman and Sunset Village

Picture of sexual health vending machine

HEART and ASUCLA marketing developed exterior brand design to include safer sex messaging, BLS/Ashe Center referral information, and educational material.