Peer Health Educators

The Peer Health Educator (PHE) program is a campus initiative sponsored by UCLA’s Health Education and Resource Team, a department of The Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center. Research has shown that peer-based health education programming is beneficial to students, as well as to the personal and professional development of participating peers themselves.

HEART focuses on health education and health promotion among all students at UCLA. We provide workshops, trainings and initiate programs, often in collaboration with professional departments and student organizations to support the overall well-being of the campus community and all its members.

Paid student position for undergraduate, graduate, and professionals students. Peer Health Educators address public health theory and community-level programming on issues/topics related to the health and well-being of the UCLA student population: Communication and Relationships; Alcohol and Other Drug Harm Reduction; Sexual Health; Body Image & Nutrition; Health Literacy; and more.

Want to Apply?

Recruitment for the 2024-2025 Peer Health Educator cohort will begin later this academic year. Make sure to follow @UCLAhealthed on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the application submission process.